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Unbelievingly, February 9th, will mark  five years since Sadie's fatal accident.  We still miss her every day but try to focus on the good that has come out of this tragedy.  We would never choose this particular trial, but we are grateful for all that we have been taught by our Savior as a result.  Much good has come into our lives, as the Savior has taught us many important principles and truths.


We know that we are not the only ones that have been taught by our Savior through this trial, as many of you have shared what you have learned with us.  We love it!


To commemorate the five year anniversary, we want to gather documented testimonies of how people learned and what people have learned about Christ and His gospel as a result of Sadie's passing.  Many of you have shared what you have learned with us verbally, and we have loved it and have been strengthened by hearing of the good that has come as a result of this trial .  We would love to get your learnings/testimonies on paper, so the good that has come through this tragedy can be easily shared and saved for posterity.


Our goal is to gather documented testimonies of what individuals have learned about Christ and His Gospel from 100 people by February 9th.  Our hope is that these documented learnings/testimonies will strengthen all that read them.


We hope that you will join us in celebrating Sadie and our Savior by participating in this effort.  Attached are a couple of examples to help get your thoughts flowing and also a template (in various document formats) you can follow.

Please email your testimonies to by February 9th or even after.

We will post everyone's learnings/testimonies on the website, so we can all learn and be strengthened from each other.  (We will only post your submission if you authorize us to do so.)

PLEASE invite others to participate.  

We thank each of you for your love and support over the last five years.  We have been and continue to be blessed by so many good people.  Your acts of kindness are too many to mention. But please know that we are deeply grateful for each of them.

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